Professional Resume Writing Services

Your resume is a reflection of your life’s experience Make sure the employer sees how they need you

Let’s face it – no one loves to write a resume (unless you are a professional resume writer).  Resumes are written only when someone is searching for a job or new opportunity, or when your company requires an employee to complete one for their HR file.  According to the Department of Labor, the average tenure of a worker at any company is three to five years, which means that writing a resume will happen at least eight times or more in one’s lifetime – and it does not get easier each time.

Some companies offer resume templates, but you are still relying on your own resume writing skills.  Will that resume catch the eyes of the hiring manager or recruiter screening for him/her?  How many times have you applied for a job and never heard anything back – 5 times, 50 times, 500 times?  To put it in perspective, if you took one hour to complete a job application, then 500 hours would be over 3 months of work if you only did this 40 hours a week!  At a salary of $50,000 annually, that would be an opportunity cost of over $12,500 of your time!

I have heard this from candidates for over 30 years: “I have applied to literally hundreds of jobs and have heard nothing back, not even an acknowledgement!”  So, what is the problem?  The problem is threefold: the candidate did not research the company, they did not reach out to people in the company or industry beforehand (network), and they submitted the same, never edited resume to all of these job applications.

This is why a professional resume writer is so valuable.  RTG will teach you how to research the company (who they are, what industry they are in, who they serve, etc.), and then we will write a resume that speaks to directly to one specific opportunity, and do so in a way that shows how you qualify for that job.

Yes, you read that correctly – we will write your resume, and do so based on very specific questions that you must answer.  RTG will write your resume so that it is an answer as to how you qualify for a job posting.  It will be fully focused on the skills and qualifications that are needed in a candidate.  Most career centers only teach you how to write a resume, and you most certainly will learn how to do so with RTG, but we understand that you will not do this often and that is why we do what we do – we are your advocate.

See, when you invest in an RTG professional resume writer, you are investing in your future.  We use your words and experience, and we format your documentation so that it will catch the eyes of recruiters and hiring managers.  RTG also helps you understand how to market yourself on social media, such as LinkedIn.

RTG professionals will create a professional resume that is geared towards generating interviews, which is the only reason to write a resume, and then we will work with you to position you appropriately for those interviews.

Today we are considered one of the most reputable and effective career consultation firms in the world.

Our clients become more self-aware, more confident, and more capable of identifying their own flaws and weaknesses. The result is that they often go on to be promoted, to hit aspirational milestones, and to become leaders themselves. If you’re ready to unlock your potential and reach your goals, contact our team for a no-obligation consultation.